Toilet Systems
“Everyone is entitled to a safe and clean toilet at all times.”
With over 20 years of experience in public toilets, our toilet technologies have been designed around topics such as vandalism, sustainability, comfort, and hygiene. Providing the highest possible service level for every type of visitor. Based on the locations and other needs we can determine the best technology. Creating a toilet better than your own.
Which Toilet Technology is right for you?

The Revolving Toilet
Self-cleaning toilet system
See all the perks
20-second cleaning cycle
Sanitronics floor cleaning
No-touch elements
Technical & hygienic maintenance
High pressure cleaning (70 Bar / 1000 PSI)
Cleans entire toilet bowl
Corian Toilet Seat
IOT connection
Safety Systems
Automated Entry
Fixed | Mobile

The Automatic
Self-cleaning toilet seat
See all the perks
Quick turnaround time
Sanitronics floor cleaning
No-touch elements
Technical & hygienic maintenance
Pressurised cleaning
Cleans entire toilet seat
Corian Toilet Seat
IOT connection
Safety Systems
Automated Entry

Automated Public Toilet
Automated toilet experience
See all the perks
No-touch elements
Technical & hygienic maintenance
Corian Toilet Seat*
IOT connection*
Safety Systems
Automated Entry