
Revolving Toilets for Middelburg center

Photos & text in collaboration with: Wij zijn De Stad - Middelburg

Renovated Facilities

Since April 16th, 3 new self-cleaning public toilets have been installed in and around the center of Middelburg. These replace the old facilities that have been in the municipality for the past 15 years. With the new revolving toilets and corten steel exterior panels, these public toilets are expected to ensure that all visitors to the center have access to a clean and safe toilet in the coming years.

The municipality aims to make the city of Middelburg more accessible to both residents and tourists with the placement and opening of these 3 public self-cleaning toilets.

What is Corten Steel, Anyway?
The unique rusty look is not only popular among architects but also seamlessly fits into urban environments. Thanks to the oxidation of corten steel, the unit is 'vandal-proof'. The exterior is made of this material. Corten steel is an alloy designed to rust (oxidize) without the need for paint, creating a protective layer against further corrosion.

If you'd like to read more about Corten steel and its properties, click here

If you want to read more about the old public toilets, you can read the article from "Wij zijn de stad" by clicking on the link here

If you'd like to read the article from "Wij zijn de stad" about the new public toilets, you can click here